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Home " We are launching our new solar energy system

We are launching our new solar energy installation

At Licores y Derivados we are in luck. Today, November 23rd, 2022, we begin to self-supply our industry with solar energy.
Cero Grados Sur, a company of recognized prestige in our region has completed the installation of solar panels on our warehouses in Juan de la Cierva street. It is a plant that will considerably save CO2 emissions produced in the production of conventional electricity. This photovoltaic installation will allow a saving of 5.64 toe/year (tons of oil equivalent), as well as a saving of annual GHG emissions (tons of CO2 equivalent/year) 22.85 tCO2/year to our factory so that the production of our beverages is now more sustainable, thus contributing our grain of sand to the common project of caring for the environment, thus complying with goal 7 of the 2030 SDGs: "for a safe and sustainable energy".


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